Who is this Child?
In keeping the feast of the Meeting of the Lord this past week, we were, once again, treated to the beautiful and spiritual riches of the...

Larger on the Inside Than on the Outside
One of the most common biblical descriptions for the commandments of God is the image of the path or the road. To “walk in the...

Seek not miracles, but The Miracle
The Scriptures are not unlike the great catch of fish Peter made when, even after coming up empty handed all night long, he obeyed Jesus...

Christ’s Baptism: Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Friends, the following is from the modern Orthodox theologian Fr Dumitru Staniloae, a brilliant theologian and a confessor of the 20th...

Theophany: The Opened Heavens
The feast of Theophany has several interconnected themes running like motifs through the Church’s hymns and iconography. Some of these...

The Power of the Name
Friends, with the feast of the Circumcision of the Lord on Tuesday - the 8th day after Christmas - I thought this short piece from ...

“Time Isn’t Holding Up!”
There is a real sense in the hymns of Christmas that, as the Talking Heads say, “time isn’t holding up”; it’s not behaving as we think it...

The Paradox of Christmas
He comes forth, God with what he has assumed, one from two opposites, flesh and spirit, the one deifying and the other deified. O the new...

St Romanos the Melodist: from the Second Kontakion on the Nativity
The first kontakion of St Romanos the Melodist on the Nativity is well known and much loved. His lesser known second kontakion on the...

Saint Porphyrios of Kapsokalivia
Friends, we are blessed this Sunday to celebrate the feast of one of the great modern saints, Fr Porphyrios of Kapsokalavia, who reposed...