Zacchaeus: To See and To Be Seen
Every year I experience the same surprise when I realize that the coming Sunday is Zacchaeus Sunday, the first Sunday that “officially”...
Theophany: The Opened Heavens
The feast of Theophany, which we celebrated last week and in which we continue, has several interconnected themes running like motifs...
Theophany: the Feast of Light
It is an unfortunate reality that, today, the feast of the Theophany is overshadowed by Christmas. As you probably know Theophany is the...
The Power of the Name
Friends, with Christmas this past week I was unable to write something for this week’s bulletin. But, as January 1 is the feast of the...
A little Child, God before the ages
Today the Virgin gives birth to him who is above all being, and the earth offers a cave to him whom no one can approach. Angels with...
Cave of birth ~ Cave of death
For the past couple of weeks we have been comparing the hymns before Christmas with another set of hymns which inspired them, those of...
On Earth as it is in Heaven
Last week we noted that the hymnographers who composed some of the hymns of the forefeast of Nativity deliberately modeled them on the...
The Mystery of the Manger
One of the ways that we can prepare for the upcoming feast of our Lord’s Nativity is through pondering the hymns of the feast which are...
Giving Thanks for All Things
This week we will observe Thanksgiving. As I am sure you know, Thanksgiving is not a feast of the Church but, rather, a national or civil...
The Cave of the Heart
But in the midst of all of that activity, at the center of the icon, lies enthroned the infant Christ in the arms of his Most-Holy...